DIY: Design Your Own Flowerpot

Generally, Nepalese traditional flowerpots are unglazed red clay pots, which have very simple designs and are cheaper to buy. This DIY is a perfect way to decorate the flowerpots with your own designs. Not only it beautifies your garden, but it also helps to get rid off the unwanted moss that grows on outside of the flowerpots.  

Design#1: Cherry Blossoms with Mt. Fuji

Flowerpot design with Cherry Blossoms & Mt. Fuji Design

Design#2: Home: "Love makes all things GROW" with Hummingbird

Home: "Love makes all things GROW" with Hummingbird

Design#3:Symmetrical Design

I have used acrylic paint for the above designs. As the title says it all: Design Your Own Flowerpot and ENJOY!


Other Flowerpot designing DIYs:


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