Featured: Painted Flower Pot DIY!

As I have been lazy these days, but my sisters (Puse and Manju) has been certainly walking on my footsteps *wink, wink*. Yet again, I featuring these duos for their awesome crafts which they did together.

You can always try these at your home with your kids and friends as you must be having term break and now-and-then Nepal Band (General Strikes), so better utilize your time!!! 

Le Petit (Flower) Pot by Puse

Psychedelic Pot: We like to trance! by Puse

The Music Lover: by Manju

"Life is like a piano; the white keys represent happiness and the black show sadness. But as you go through life's journey, remember that the black keys also create music. ― Ehssan"

Thank you Manju and Puse for letting me post your DIYs! :)

For instructions, please click the below links:


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