Pineapple Express!

This post is related to 'how to wrap a Champagne for a gift'.
As summer is around the corner, let's give a touch of "tropical thunder" while gift wrapping the champagne. Here, I have wrapped it as a pineapple.


1. Yellow Paper (for the Pineapple Body)
2. Green Paper (for the leaves)
3. Glues/ Scotch-tape
4. Markers
5. And of course, the Champagne bottle!

Gifted Wrapped Champagne into Pineapple!

Tropical Thunder! :)


Step#1: Wrap the body of the champagne bottle with a yellow paper.
Step#2: Cut the green paper in a shape of leaves.
Step#3: Paste the paper leaves on the neck of the bottle.
Step#4: TA-DA! You have just transformed the champagne into a pineapple!

Have FUN and Safe Drinking Guys!


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